Cancer update and 100 pound mark!
Well, one good thing about chemo - your so nausiated you don't eat much! I'm down to 186 and started at 290. So now Eric and I have both reached 100 lost.. WOW - total of ....220 between the two of us!
I'm drinking shakes to get protein down and eating no-sugar-added yogert for carbohydrates. Publix (local supermarket) makes a good tasting nsa yogert. They actually don't want me to lose weight during chemo! I told them there was no WAY I wasn't going to lose, but I didn't expect it to be this bad/good (??).
Oh, and I'm bald. People say I have a nice shape to my head, so it's not too bad. I still prefer hair. The folicals were just hurting too much. Once you can't wash you hair, what are you suppose to do?? So we shaved my head clean.. all but Bic'd it. I look all 'shanade o'conner' now. The last two weeks have been really exhausting. I'm tired all the time. They say I will feel better next week, then I go in again for another round. So it's two bad weeks and one ok week. I have a letter for FMLA, but really can't afford not to have a paycheck. So I'm going to have to work something out with my job. Trouble is, I don't know what to work out that's best for me. I don't really want the pressure of having to think about work stuff right know, but I don't want to go without the money either. Just guess I'm going to have to see about STD - if I qualify.. hmm.. mentally incompetant?
ok. tired now. going to go rest.
later all. will write more when I can. thanks for all the support. It really means a lot to me.
You and I are just about the same on the weight loss. Fun ain't it!
As for both of us having the wls together.. we wouldn't have it any other way. It makes cooking so much easier, except for right now with the nausia.. but on a normal day it's wonderful. Plus we are a support group together. I'm just the more talkative one!
... today was a good day. First I've had in two weeks.. can you tell?!
Hi Tina,
You sound too together (like always!) to be mentally incompetant! Better think of something else!! As always, I am blown away by your humor and strength throughout this process, I wish you weren't dealing with it, but I feel confident you are going to come through all this and be one bad ass chick not to be messed with by anyone or anything! I'm glad you are wearing the bald thing well! My head is flat in the back and I would not look so good. Congrats on making the century club! Our little september group is kicking butt and our own century club seems to be adding members all the time. Take care of yourself through this tough chemo stuff and get enough rest. Thanks for checking in with us with all you've got going on. I've been thinking about you and I'm sure that everyone else is concerned as well. (((HUGS and Love)))) God bless you and check in again soon. Tell Eric hi from all of us too!
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