QUESTIONS for 6 month checkup tomorrow morning...
Hi Susan! I went for my 6-month check up on Tuesday and here are the questions I asked: (1) Is it OK to take my multivitamin with my calcium? (Answer: Not recommended, try to space it out if possible.) (2) Do I need a potassium supplement? (Answer: All my labs looked great and I don't need a supplement, [but I am still a little concerned].) (3) How long should I continue to stick with 70 grams of protein and 30 carbs a day? (Answer: Until I reach my goal.) (4) When can I add fruit to my diet? (Answer: I can have 1 fruit a week if desired, until I reach my goal. Fruit is very high carb. (5) When should I plan for hernia repair and plastic surgery? (Answer: Sooner rather than later. Hernia is bad and exercise is aggravating it. I can try and wait for September. I need to get a medical girdle to support the hernia.) (6) How many calories a day should I be consuming right now? (Answer: 800 max.) (7) How much more weight would Dr. Greene like to see me lose? (Answer: approx. 40 before tummy tuck and hernia repair.)
Hope this helps! Hugs, Sandy