Great info
Hi guys,
I stumbled upon a really good website. For those of you who find fitday lacking as far as their food database goes, or anyone who ever wants to know the calorie count on something... I think this is the most complete site of it's kind I've seen. I don't think I can post the URL but it is www calorieking (dot) com. I read that you can use them like fitday also to journal your food and run reports, but it is twenty dollars a year. That's pretty reasonable but all my info's on fitday and I don't think I'm ready to abandon it. They have a huge food database however, including fast foods and name brands. I've known about it for a day and have already utilized it. (malted milk eggs are evil and must die. Thank God I only ate 2 and they are around 11 calories each.)
Thanks for the info Sue!! You are so "informed"!! I celebrate with you for only eating 2 malted milk eggs. I think it will get "easier" once Easter is over, cause there are not that many "chocolate" holidays during the summer!
I "always" found it easier to "diet" in the summer because I do like summer fruits and veggies!!!
Thanks Sue. I'm just getting started in FitDay and yes I do find it lacking in some respects. So I will definitely give this page a shot and compare the two. Congrats on eating only 2 eggs! That is restraint!!! Valentines Day did me in!!! Chocolate everywhere and I don't dump!!! Dang it!!!
Thanks again
Oh CRAP! I ate 4 Malted milk ball eggs. I have been good considering I made 4 easter baskets up! I would have eaten alot more last year! But I bought some clothes the other day. I bought size 16 capri pants for the summer. That will be the smallest I have been in like 12 years. I have a goal, I think that is why I quit after 4 Malted Milk Balls! Jenn