Low Blood Pressure
I getting dizzy when I up quickly. I went to the MD yesterday and me blood pressure was 90/40. Has anyone else had this trouble? I felt like I was going to passout this morning after trying to bike ride. I wanted to loss weight so I could be more active, now I scared to do anything. Let me know if anyone else has had this problem and what was done about it.
Thanks for you support,
Hi Sherry,
I to have this problem, though I don't think my pressures run quite that low. This weekend for the first time in my life I passed out, just from getting out of bed too quickly. I spoke with my clinic and they told me to really push fluids. I also had to go and have several tests run for vitamin deficiency. Maybe you shoold check with your clinic to make sure your lab values are okay.
Hope your feeling better.

I agree with Christina, Sherry. Check with your doctor about your labs...I went through this around 4 months post-op but I'm certain it had to do with being dehydrated as I had a stoma stricture. If I'm feeling dizzy these days, I drink more water and hit some higher sodium content foods. Works for me but please check it out with your physician!
Take care!
I've been having some dizziness when I stand up also, but not to the point where I might pass out. My last labs were fine and I am good about taking my vitamins, and can eat quite a varied diet and alot so I'd be shocked if I was deficient in something. I haven't had my BP checked lately. I have also had some heart palpitations a few times, but I've had that before. Let us know what you find out, Sherry. Make sure you eat something before you exercise, your muscles need fuel to work, that has made me light-headed before. Oh, and one more thing, I know two people who have passed out from taking vitamins on an empty stomach, so make sure you eat something first, or don't take them before exercise.