Having test for ulcer/enlarged stoma - anyone else?
I just went through an upper GI on Monday and am going through a scope this Thursday to rule out an ulcer and possible enlarged stoma. Anyone else having this problem? I have been having a lot of burning in my stomach and lower left intestine area. I am also not experiencing a full feeling and feel like I am hungry 24/7 no matter how much I eat. I have been following all the rules, especially with regards to drinking before, during and after meals. I wait 15 minutes before and at least an hour after meals. Doctor thinks since I had ulcers before I may be getting them back. Was wondering about anyone else.
Thanks for any input
I don't have these issues but since no one has responded I just wanted to tellyou I wish you the best and I hope the find the problem and are able to fix you up just fine. I had an EGD a few weeks back cause the doctor thought I had a stricture but I didn't. Then they thought I had issues with my Gall Bladder and I was sent for an U/S but haven't heard back from them about that yet. I probably shouldn't expect to because of the people who work there but I will be seeing my surgeon again in March so I will see then how things are going.
Wish I had some words of wisdom for you! I just hope you find some answers and that everything turns out to be ok. I have a lot of hunger also, some days more than others. I do get a full feeling, it just doesn't seem to last very long on me. The burning I have heard described by people who have an ulcer, although, sometimes my full feeling feels almost like a burnng on the left side. Could it be THAT IS your full feeling? Good luck with everything and I hope you feel better soon.
Sue, you and I think so much alike it is scary!! Every time you write, I think "Did I write that?" Honestly, we have the same "feelings'" about things and the advice you offer is always EXACTLY what I would say!!!
I too have the full/hungry too soon thing going on. I feel like I am hungry 24/7. I know that I am eating enough and I also know that this is NOT just "head hunger" I am dealing with. I try to stay VERY regimented in my eating times and "try" to drink more water in between. I am NOT very good at the water thing, but I do not eat "between" meals! Of course, I eat 6 small amounts a day, so I am eating every 2-3 hours which is a very good thing for me. I don't think I'd make it on just 3 meals a day!!!
A month ago I had to have the test (scope) to check for a stricture, because I was having problems with vomitting and pain. Well the test showed I had 2 ulcers. The meds they put me on are working great, but I do have some bad days with lots of bad heartburn. It's getting better, but it will take some time. I to was feeling hungry alot, but didn't act on it because I was getting tired of vomitting all the time. So far the Dr. is pleased with my progress....-85 lbs post-op. If it's an ulcer, don't worry, they do clear up. I was just so relieved to finally find out what was causing the problems. Good luck