Update on Cancer
I'm having my lymph node biopsy January 20 (my wedding anniversary).
I meet with the Oncologist on January 24. I'm going to the same Dr. that is handling my Dad's case. *side note - my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in the liver, not the prostate, 2 weeks ago. He starts chemo this Friday. They are being very aggressive in his treatment because he is very healthy other than the cancer. They caught is early by accident during another exam.* So this Dr. wants to do a genecology test on both of us to help me be able to predict where I might get cancer. This way, hopefully, it will always be caught early.
It's a scary thought that I have to live the rest of my life wondering where is it going to happen next. My paternal legacy may have good looks, but cancer seems to be the payment.
For those who wonder: I'm holding up well as can be expected I guess. I've kinda thrown myself into work, but I'm an accountant and it's year end.. so I need to get a lot of stuff done in a short period of time. So it's ok that I'm at wor****il 8pm. I told the rest of the management staff at work since 1. they are my friends and 2. my absences will affect when I can complete tasks. I'm told to give more work to my assistant. That's not easy to do.
Eric keeps waiting for the phone call to come that it was all a mistake. I told our PCP that and she said when she first saw the results, she sat down and stared at the paper thinking it had to be wrong.. it just couldn't be right.
So now further updates right now... The bruise is healing from the biopsy. Eric says it looks like a nebula - pink, yellow, purple montage. I guess that's one up from looking like a "continent" which was his first assessment!
Once I get results, I will post again to let you guys know. It's easier to post once to all of you that to respond it each person. So- thank you thank you thank you to all *****plied to my first post. You hugs, thoughts, and prayers mean a lot!
Thank you for updating us. I house sit for an accountant so as tax season arrives he is never home before 10pm. That is one job you can definently throw yourself into. I am sure your going to do great. Keep us posted as much as you feel up to it. I will be thinking about you and wishing you the best.