Almost scared...
Hello fellow September losers...
I read many of the posts here but do not get much time to post. I pray for us all and rejoice in the successes among us.
Here is my issue right now...but I am not even sure if it is an issue, which is frustrating. I can eat just about anything I care to, although I do have a taste aversion to many foods I loved pre-surgery. I do not have a problem with any meat as long as I chew and eat all kinds of it. The only problems I have with food are self-induced, like eating too much or too fast or too many carbs (kind of like pre-surgery). My question is, are there any others out there like me with no problem with food per se. I only ask because I am sometimes scared that because I really do not have many problems or limitations, all my old food demons will creep back slowly but surely. Or am I just being paranoid?
I know that with all the real problems that are experienced by some on the board, mine seems trivial and it may I apologize for that. I guess I am just looking for a little support or advice so I can make this work...for good.
Thanks...keep up the good work all!
RNY 09-10-04
75 pounds gone for good!
Congratulations on your success! And I think we are in the same boat. My problems are related to eating too fast or overeating. Although I have had some abdominal cramping lately.
I can eat just about anything I want. Over Christmas, I had a few bites of dessert. Although I did feel queasy, I did not dump or get sick. As long as I eat small amounts, I can eat just about anything.
I do eat carbs. I believe that carbs are healthy and necessary part of a well balanced diet. As long as the carbs are in moderation, it should be okay. I eat less when I include some bread in my meal anyway. And I feel full quicker.
Anyway, I think we're both on the right track.
Thanks Leslie for the support. I can totally relate to your Christmas dessert experience. It's not so much that I can eat anything and everything that I's just that I don't have as severe a reaction as some may. There are days where I feel like nothing ever happened and I'm the same person I was before with less weight... Then I get a bit ****y about eating and receive a reminder that I'm doing it that lump in my gullet that sends out sharp waves of pain telling me that I've eaten too fast or the nausea that tells me I've eaten too many carbs or sugars. Ah's a continual learning and adjusting process...but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I only hope that those of us who are having problems with food or healing will have them resolved soon and that we all get to where we intended when we decided that surgery was the right thing.
Thanks again Leslie...take care and keep on that right track!
RNY 09-10-04
75 pounds gone for good!
I'm going to give you MY two cents on the topic... mind you...this is what is working for ME.. your mileage may vary.
I too, am eating just about anything that I want. Want is the key word. I am NOT going to push the envelope on sugars and I'm not going to pu**** on breads. Just not going there. Why? What do I have to loose and what do I have to gain? If I cannot eat them I will get sick. If I can eat them I will realize that I can and then all hell will break loose. At least for me.
I didn't go through the hell of getting this surgery (read my profile) only to test the waters in a lose/lose situation. I'm working it for all it's worth.
I eat all types of meats/veggies and yes I do eat carbs but I try to make sure that they are the best options out there. Sweet potatoes, reg. potatoes...things like that. NO BREAD. Too many issues for me and it doesn't benefit me enough to warrant it.
I have never had issues with water.... even from day one. I never had to sip. I have only had a few problems with esophageal spasm when I ate something that was too cold .....warm tea made it right pretty darn quickly....
From most accounts I could say that my recovery and re-introduction to foods has been pretty much without complaint or problem.... but I'm vigilant. During the Christmas season I SOOOOOOOOOO wanted to have a candy cane. It is like my Christmas "thing"... I never went hogwild on em' but would usually have 1-2 during the season. I would NOT let myself even have one of the mini ones... why? WHY is the key word. What was in it that was good for me? Not a blooming thing... and I worked through it and found out that it was habit and not really a driving need to eat the darn thing!
Ok... I'll wrap up this rambling post..... I don't think that you are necessarily being paranoid.... turn that fear (or what ever you want to call it) around to benefit yourself... and keep yourself on the straight and narrow... make good foods choices and don't stray... get tough on yourself and you will DO FINE!
Thanks for the support and for sharing your experiences. I can totally relate. There are several things that I too steer wide WW we call them "red light foods". I don't even want to know if I can eat them without problem!
Great that you don't have a problem drinking water...wish I could say the same but I can't complain. I used to drink my 8-10 glasses a day prior to surgery with no problem...somehow now I have an aversion to plain water and it makes me queasy. I'm now working on finding alternative but am getting tired of Crystal Light...sometimes too sweet. Anyone have any water alternative suggestions to share?
Thanks again Elizabeth, I'm happy to hear that you're doing well...keep up the good work!
((Hugs)) back at ya...take care!
RNY 09-10-04
75 pounds gone for good!
Hi Christine,
First I have to congratulate you on your wonderful weight loss! I totally understand what you are feeling. I don't think you are being paranoid, I do think it's reasonable to worry about going back to our old ways and bad habits. I think you will overcome your food demons because you have identified the trouble spots and you can face them head on. The same goes for me. I know that this process has so many levels to deal with, and learning limits with our eating is just one of the things that will take some work. Ultimately, most post ops will have to learn those limits, because ultimately most people end up being able to tolerate most foods and have their appetites return. For some (us!) that is just happening sooner, and so we will just have to learn to establish our own rules sooner. You will make this work for good. Your concern about it at this point in the journey demonstrates that! ((hugs))
PS I think the other folks gave great advice too, their responses have helped me to focus on what's important as well. Thanks for asking this, I think it took a lot of courage.
Thank you Sue for your kind words and encouragement, it means a lot. Thank you also for helping me get my mind back on seeing all the positives this surgery has brought me and reminding me to stop worrying about the "what-ifs" so much. You are right, having no real problems with food is forcing me to set up my own limits which is a good thing for me...just a bit foreign to an ol' binge eater like me.
Thanks again Sue...((Hugs)) back at ya...and you keep up the good work as well!
RNY 09-10-04
75 pounds gone for good!
Great post and I see some wonderful replies...I have ate a donut hole..I have 3 bags of lindit truffles as why would someone want me to have those? I do have issues eating...seems any meat just makes me sick..other than a bite or soft foods i have no problem with..and everything inside is fine...I am up to 4 ounces a meal i still do not get 3..I have yet to feel hungry or full...I do not know when those feelings return..I was told i was over cooking my meat and to cook it in a bag or in ok i tried it...still not the answer..I am at the point where if it stays down i eat it...LOL...and some are not the best choices...protein is a real issue for me...
I'm sorry to hear that you're still having issues with meats. Just a couple of suggestions... Have you tried ground beef chopped finely when you're browning it? I do that and then add it to tomato sauce and have it with a small amount of noodles for dinner, that usually goes down well. I would think that adding sauce to any kind of cooked meat may help? I only mention because these were things suggested to my by my docs nurse who is a post herself. I told her that I'm not real good with plain cooked meat, doesn't appeal to me since I was raised on casseroles and such. She told me I could still do the casserole thing and it may help with getting the meat down. The only exception was to double up the meat so I would get enough protein in.
Take care...
RNY 09-10-04
75 pounds gone for good!
Wow you guys...
I'm overwhelmed, and a bit teary, at the positive responses to my post. I have to admit I was a ::bit:: nervous that I would be interpreted as worrying about nothing since there are some of us that are having true issues with this surgery.
Knowing that others are in the same boat as I am is comforting and I love to hear suggestions and advice on how to see this as a positive and use it to my advantage. Thank you to you all for sharing and supporting.
I am grateful EVERY day of this opportunity for a new life and never take any part of it for granted. I don't eat how I used to... I work out more than I ever did and I'm starting to enjoy it! ::Gasp::
I keep myself on the straight and narrow for the most part and am probably eating and behaving healthier than ever. It's just that "old habits die hard".
Thanks again...and keep up the losing...and healing
RNY 09-10-04
75 pounds gone for good!