Update on Me & Profile Page! :)
Just wanted to let you know that Shannon Hagan, an awesome volunteer, just spruced up my profile page and it looks GREAT!!!!!!!!
IT IS SO PERFECT! I just had to share this with you! ;) It is so neat and so totally me!
Also, I weighed myself yesterday, on my 8th week anniversary and I am down a total of 52 lbs.! hip hip hooray! I took the weight from my surgeon's consult weight, a week before the surgery to compare to what I weight now.
Also, my BMI went from 63 down to 55!!!! Is that not the very best?!
You are all doing great!
Love ya,
HI! ;)
Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you.
I just went on "Contact Us" on the top there and emailed asking for my profile to be spruced up. They will contact you and let you know they received your request and someone will contact you again to help you. The first time, I didn't hear from anyone and they told me to contact them/email them again because if you don't get a response that they received your message, then they didn't get it---lost out there in cyberworld! So, good luck and have fun!
Great volunteers out there! ;)
They will assign one to you after they contact you.
Happy Thanksgiving!