5 days to go and must lose 5# - any ideas???
ok, my doctors office called me today, I am up from 310 to 312 and he said he would cancel my surgery if I did not get down to 307 before wed...Is that possible??? Has anyone had to do this? They explained to me that you have to lose the weight because the swelling afterwards has to have somewhere to go or it will hurt your insides, didnt know that!
So I need a crash diet I can follow to lose those 5 pounds in less than 5 days, more if possible!! Can anyone help? I dont want to jepordize my new life!!! I want this surgery!
Snapple makes a great low carb drink called Meal A day Replacement. Walgreens usually has it. it has lots of vitiams and tastes good to me, (In fact my Walgreens let me buy it by the case)
I too had to lose weight before surgery. I increased the amount I had to walk daily by , parking further away from the building, taking the long way everywhere and just walking a little bit further thatn I uaually do, and it worked!