? for postop's
I am two weeks post op today and have lost 17 1/2 lbs. But I have been "plateau'd" for the last couple days. Should this be happening this soon? It worries me because on all previous diets this is about how it happens and I thought WLS would be different. Have some of you had the same experience? I am doing everything as instructed....eating soft foods 2 tbsp at a time and getting lots of exercise. If I am burning more calories than I am taking in, how is it the weight isn't continuing to come off?
Your words of encouragement are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I know everyone is different, but I do not weigh myself at all. If I'm platauing, I would not know, therefore I will not get worried. I know I lost 17 lbs one week out only because the doc weighed me and of couse I do want to know. My suggestion is go by your body and not the scale. I understand all post-op**** a plataue at anytime and at various times. So please be patience and realize you've done great so far!!!!!!!!
Your only 2 weeks post op like me, Your body is healing, I would concentrate on other things like getting all of your fluids in, etc.
Its too soon to worry about plateaus.
And according to my scale when I stepped on it last week when I got my drans out it said I only lost a few pounds, when in fact at the docs office I had lost 15. So dont worry about it, things will happen in time the way they should.
17 1/2 pounds is GREAT by the way. Congrats!