Tomorrow is my BIG day!!
Well.. its here. I will be having surgery in the morning. I have to be at Ocala Regional at 6am and my surgery is at 8:00. I have been doing last minute things tonight. Im taking the kids to my best friend's house to stay the night because we have to leave so early. I have a severe head ache tonight because I havent eat'n all day. I have ate Jello and drank lots of clear liquids but it hasn't kept me from feeling yuck. My blood sugar tends to dip too low sometimes. Im alittle on the nervous side. Im so busy tonight, and with me not feeling well it is keeping the scary part off my mind. I think right now Im just overwhelmed. I am very tired so I dont think I will have a problem sleeping at all. I think it is gonna hit me hard tomorrow when I walk through the doors at the hospital. Thats when Im gonna be like . This has been a very exciting journey this far, and I cant wait for the new me. Keep me in your prayers, and I will see al of you on the loosing side.. woohoo!