September 20th Date, Looking for Angel~
Well, it's getting close! My pre-op is on the 14th (Tuesday), and the following week I get ready to get ready.
I haven't eaten all the foods I said I would, mostly because I've been so nervous, I've lost my appetite! First, I lost my insurance and spent a weekend not stressing about it. Then I got it reinstated,which brought me right back to "not stressing" about the surgery. Now, we're just trying to save money and get the house ready so I won't have to worry about anything once I get back.
I got a nurse who'll be coming to my house the first week I'm home, maybe two, and my dh will be picking up all I'll need the week I'm in the hospital - including a recliner chair so I can sleep.
What's missing??? Oh yeah! An angel! I need an angel!!