Pre-testing I am ready for a surgery date when...when...when...
I had several. The beds weren't the most comfy. I would reccomend you take your favorite pillows from home. I am not sure in your area but that is how it was in mine. I went to a few different places so i had that experience with all of them. The first time I didn't go to sleep until it was to late so I didn't get to use the cpap. Then when I went again I slept much earlier and was put on the machine for the whole night. I found the mask then went over the nose entirely to be much more comfy then the one that goes up the nose. They should give you a few to select from to see what fits you best.
How they did it at my place.
1) They weighed me in
2) I sat in the TV area and talked to who ever was there.
3) They take you into a little room and start hooking all the electrodes to you.
4) Some in your hair, some on your chest, some near your ears, some down your legs.
Then you go back to the area where the tv is or you can go into your room they assign to you.
You basically go to sleep when your tired. Once your in bed they have you lay down. They hook each line to the little thing in the wall. It is amazing that they know where each line goes. Then you lay in bed, they do some tests. With me, I had a thing put over my nose (small microphone) that measured my snore. Then another one under my chin. They put your mask on. Then the tech tells you they are filming you to check on your sleep through the night. They tell you if you need anything just hollar because they can hear everything. Then they turn the machine on and start turning up the air. Once you are at a point where the air is coming out fast enough for you tell them to stop. Make sure you are comfy because if it is coming out to fast it is hard to breath. You might feel like your having a hard time breathing at first but once you calm your breathing down it gets easier. there are vents on the side of the mask that let the air out. You don't breath through your mouth at all. Then you try to sleep. They will wake you up if you move anything or pull anything out. When they sleep study is over they wake you up. Mostly by 6am but if you have to be up for work earlier they will wake you up then. Just let them know.
That is as much as I can remember. When I got my cpap machine it took a few days to get use to it. Once you do sleeping becomes a lot easier.
I wish you the best of luck with everything.