Getting nervous!

on 9/9/04 9:53 am - Gridley, IL
I know that everyone seems to have great things to say about this surgery and the people that I work with have been very excited and supportive--But I am just plain flat out scared. What if I die?
Joann T.
on 9/9/04 10:11 am - philadelphia, PA
Yes Carol there is a chance you could die but there is also a chance you will die from the weight. I know you have fears, but you have to ask yourself are you happy with the life you have now If the answer is no then you know that the surgery is the right thing. From what I have read and from talking with so many people on line I totally know that the surgery is right for me. Do you have a support group in your area if you do please make the meetings they will help. I hope this has helped and if you need to talk email me.
on 9/9/04 11:55 am
Hey Carol, My view on death is this: If I am going to die the I am going to die, wheather it be walking accross the street or in WLS. Whe its my time it is my time. You just have to have faith that everything will be okay! Best of luck! With love, Em
on 9/9/04 12:34 pm - Riverside, RI
You know it is ok to be scared. No one wants to think about dying but we all know it is a fact. However it is a fact with any kind of surgery so when you look at the bug picture it isn't as bad. My whole family did really good until the minute they were taking me back to the OR. My sister held on to my neck and broke down sobbing. She wouldn't let go of me. My husband, dad, mother and mother in law were sobbing. My other sister took off because she couldn't stop crying. I was like OMG what am I doing? Then I thought please don't put me to sleep. My sister yelled you can still call it all off.... The OR lady said no way this is a great decision. I get rolled into the doorway and see another doctors name on the door. I said I AM NOT GOING IN THERE WITH DR WANEBO!!!!!! She laughs and says why do you not like him? I am like no I love him but he is a cancer surgeon and I am having Lap RNY. She said they switched rooms at the last minute. So then they wheeled me in and were talking to me. They put me in this bed, blew up the sides and were so very nice to me. The next thing I know I am waking up. I will be very honest with everyone. When she told me that she was giving me my happy medicine I was never so scared in my life. They didn't give me a sedative before hand so I went in there with all my mind in tact. I am glad now that everything is over with and I am fine. You will be fine but if there is something telling you not to have the surgery it is ok to postpone it. Your only human and should listen to yourself. If your not ready your not ready. I wish you all the best with what ever you decide. Shannon
Jeri Lynn H.
on 9/9/04 12:53 pm - HENNING, TN
I totally agree w/ carol...every since i started looking into wls,my sis-n-law keeps telling me that i might die,but i look @ it if GOD is ready for me he'll take me.I have pryed daily that he guide me through the process right& i trully beleive he will!!!I'm very excited about my surgery, I haven't had a scary moment since I got approved from ins..My surgery date is 6 days away now...just look to the postive side.. good luck 7 ours prays are with you tooo
m H.
on 9/9/04 1:17 pm - van wert, oh
HI Carol . I just got home and Iam post-opt 9-7-04 Dont let your self get up set.Stay cool, you will do great.I did well and so will you .I dont have any pain and only 2 day's post-opt.I feel like I did 200 sit ups, so dont get too up set you will be suprized, it's not bad michelle hall
Valerie G.
on 9/10/04 12:05 am - Greenville, SC
Hi, I am getting a little nervous, but i know God is going to take care of me. I am scheduled for 9/14/04 and i cant wait. I think the one thing i am most nervous about is, being away from my babies for three days. they mean more to me than anything in this world and i have to remember that they are the reason i have decided to do this. We will have a better quality of life after my surgery. So keep your head up and remember God is with us and if he is for us, no one thats against us matters.
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