Single and Looking.....

Well i don't recommend this for everyone but I met my hubby on AOL a little over 7 years ago. It was a chance conversation that I almost Xed out of. We talked all night and after a short time together got married. At that time I had been to another weight loss place and lost 87 pounds. I felt really good about myself. If it wasn't for that I would probably never have met him let alone even considered having a relationship. Before my husband I never really had what one would call "a man" in my life. I mean there were the ones who were there for the taking etc but no one who ever really loved or even cared about me. If it wasn't for his support over the past few years I'd probably never have gone through with my surgery.
As far as the ones who aren't supportive because of their own insecurities. This is totally my own opinion.
I have always ended up flocking around friends who were much thinner then I was. Weather they seeked me out of vice versa I don't know. The point was, I was always the heavy one. I got to a point where that was comfy and I also got use to being the door mat. Sometimes I think they are comfortable with the fact that we are "fat" so no one will ever choose us over them. Then all the sudden you want to make a huge change and instead of them being there for you they start to doubt themselves. For what ever reason they were comfy knowing we weren't in the spotlight. Now that we choose to have the WLS it throws a wrench into their plans.
Just remember your doing this for yourself. If they aren't there for you during your journey or after then they were probably never really there for you at all. People are going to be scared and that is all fine an dandy but no one should ever turn their back on you for making this decision.
I hope that once you have your surgery and you start to have a better outlook on yourself and your life that you will someday find that one true love. Maybe having the confidence in yourself that you look great and feel great will give you that little shove you need to make things happen in your life. I know that is what I am looking forward to. In my professional life that is. I hope to go to college and get a good paying job. I want to walk into a class room and not think that everyone is staring at me because I am the heaviest person in the room.
Take care and best of luck to you.