I am glad that I found this msg board
Marcella it is like your message was sent here for my help. I had the same doubts and fears for about a week now. I am a happy person who has a pretty good life other than my weight and my comorbidies. I have been very sure for 5 months and then all of a sudden the reality set in and I spent 2 weeks wondering if I am doing the right thing. I got pretty depressed over it. (I even ate some bad choices.) But I really want all the benefits this surgery has to give me. So anyway, you are not the only one who has doubts or fears. Keeping people with positive attitudes about the surgery sure does help. So come here and read or post. And you will come up with your own peace. I signed my consent papers yesterday. Today I know I am doing the right thing for me! The fog has lifted and I am going for it! Relax and let the peace find you! ps e-mail me anytime. (except Sept. 16-I won't be home!