Received filter for blood clots before surgery
Can anyone tell me how you felt after getting a filter placed in you before you surgery to catch potential blood clots? I am scheduled to have my surgery on 9/15, and i just got this filter put in on Monday. I fill a little achy, and i wanted a feed back from anyone who may have went through the same thing.
My doc. suggested it as an extra precaution for patients with their BMI over 60. I don't have blodd clots, but just in case some may form I will be ok during surgery. What the filter does is catches the clots and desolves them before B$ they travel to the heart. The procedure was only 45 mins. long, but you have to lie flat on your back for 5hrs. Like i told the doc. I will take all the precaution you can give me. As your doc. about it!