Hi. My name is Amanda Goodreau.. I'm 16 and i am havin surgery Tuesday Sept. 7th..We havin been waitin for the date for ever because we went to see the family doctor and he pulled me out of school because it was to much strees on me so we have been doin homeschoolin since march 2004...well we were in the room with the family doctor and he looked at my neck and told me that i have a sign for dieates in****ion resistance so we went and saw dr.sedial on march 30 2004 my dad mom and grandma went...and he sent out a letter and it took 6 months to get approved and the only reason they didn't approve it right away was because of my age..but both doctors said if i wait till im 18 then i will have much more risks..then if we do this now...so we were waitin and waitin and then it got apporved im jus like wow finally now that is soo close im thinkin that maybe i shouldnt do it cuz im terrified of not makin through it..my family and friends said dont worry u will pull through it but how do u know...u dont....so i am scared but im goin to do it cuz i need to.......and i just want ppl to know that i would love to have ur support thank you

Hey Amanda,
You are sooooo brave!
If you can overcome this at 16 who knows what you will accomplish when you are older.
Bravo to you!
G-d Speed Recovery.
Your family seems to be right there with you and that is worth EVERYTHING!
You will be fine, just hear what your doctor says and DO IT!
By next summer you will be walking around your town and NOBODY will know who you are.
I can hear them now "Who's that cutie?"
Tell Mom, Dad, and Grandma if they think you have been a handful now wait till you're 18... Hope Dad's prepared...
Good Luck,
Keep in touch!
Go get em' angel

You are very brave hon. We are all scared, but the fact is, there are risks with the surgery, but your risks are sooooo much more staying the way you are. This is going to be a great thing for you. If you need anything, email. I'm always here for support. We all need it. I know I do. Good luck, I know you'll do great!
Well I wish you all the best. I think your very brave and this will be such an amazing thing for your future. No matter what our ages are we all want the same outcomes. I am glad they decided to let you go ahead with this surgery. I hope everything goes off without a hitch and you have a speedy painless recovery.

Hi Amanda, My surgury is also the 7th. I'm am scared too!! I am 52 yrs old but I know that if I don't have this that I am going to have alot more problems than I am having. I am really excited even though i'm scared. I will just be glad when I'm done. Just think, this time next week we will be on the losing side and the pain is not going to be to bad! LOL I will keep you in my prayers and I hope you do the same. Keep in touch! Chris
Hi Amanda, I just want you to know you have all the support here anytime you feel down and don't know what to do or if you are doing the right thing. Just think of what you will be doing next summer, 17 and all those dates
you will have
. I know you get scared at times, we all do, but when I get scared and those negetive thoughts get in my head I think of all the things I will be able to do this time next year
. You will be a whole new person, you will feel better about yourself, have more energy.

With weight loss you don't just change on the outside, you change on the inside also. You can tell by the before and after pictures that these people have change in the way they feel about themselves. They style their hair and wear makeup and have nice fitting cloths, you can see the pride in their faces. They are like flowers that have bloomed, they are beautiful, and you will be too.

Hi Amanda - Only 5 more days to go until you have a new life. I am scheduled for surgery on the 15th!!
I have a friend whose daughter had the surgery at 17 and her life has dramatically changed. I am very proud of you and wish you all the best. My biggest recommendation to you is to surround yourself with positive people at all times. This will help you get through it all. Be strong, and know that even people who don't personally know you are pulling and rooting for you to be the you that you want and need to be. Best wishes and keep us posted on you wonderful new life.