All WLS's in Sept
I would like to tell everyone that is having their WLS in Sept that I will
be praying for you. I pray that each and everyone of you have a uneventful surgery and fast recovery. I feel like I have been blessed with two friends that have already had their surgeries. One had her surgery June 28 and she is doing great, she has lost 37lbs
and the other had hers this past Friday and she is doing fine
. And I have faith that we all are going to do fine
. My date is 9-20.

Thank you Vicki!! My re-birth is 9/20 also. I don't want to have that feeling of "why did I do this to myself?" I feel strong that this is the right decision for me, and honey, I am not a fast decision maker! I have read the head-trips can rough. Because, "this is only a tool". I know it is true. How are we going to react when we aren't fat anymore? It is old habit to complain about my body!
Good luck to you! I hope recovery goes well!