Hate the sight of food?
I know the feeling. I was supposed to start this liquid pretein diet yesterday. I have done good all during the day but when night comes.. I have to eat. They told me I could eat one meal a day but it needs to be all protein.. no carbs. I have stuck to that part. I just felt sooo sick all day. It doesnt hell that I havent found the right protein drink that I can stomach.
O well.. my surgery isnt until Sept 14... so I have a couple days of practice. Kimie

You know, I have been eating a small piece of chicken over salad greens for supper everynight and I am getting sick of it. I prefer my shakes to anything at this moment.
My issues are now with this battle being waged between my stomach and my mind. I will give something, say a cookie to my daughter. My stomach says, "Shannon, your perfectly content and not hungry in anyway". Then my mind turns around out of no where and has to chime in."no no, you are hungry, you need that, you want that, YOU HAVE TO HAVE IT"!!!!! I haven't cheated at all. I really am proud of myself because I haven't given in at all. I look at that cookie or what ever else and I know that is the reason I am where I am. If I want this to work I have to make sure I am prepared to keep up the fight and win all the battles with what I have been told is called Head Hunger.