Just was wanted to know?
Sounds like my sister. She actually has been very supportive of all this. Thats totally not like her at all. She just recently got on some new mood medicine.. so maybe thats it. I think it sounds like your sister is jealous. I mean think about it... Sibling rivalry! I know that sounds silly but this is something positive happening to you and you are getting allot of support (attention) from allot of family and friends. Is she over weight as well? If so.. she may want this as well for her self and not want to humble to it. Its just a thought anyway.
Well once I heard that from my husband but then after I gave him this huge freak fit about what life has been like being me he apologized and now listens to everything I have to say.
As far as anyone else, I get the occasional you know you could die?, you know you can't eat ever again?, you won't ever be able to have a baby and all those other statements that tell me they read one article or saw one TV show that depicted negative untrue statements about the surgery. I have been going through all this for almost a year. Before I even thought about having it I read as much as I could get my hands on to better learn about the whole process. I also made sure it was possible to have kids again after the surgery. Sometimes I think that people don't give me enough credit. Like I had blinders on through all of this. Of course I don't get mad at them, I tell them thank you for their concern but I have done my homework and I feel very confident about my decision. That usually shuts them up.

I had all the same assumptions through at me.. never be able to go out.. how are you going to have children... you could die.. and those were just my father!
I take my philosophy from "Wizard's First Rule", by Terry Goodkind:
"Wizard's first rule: People are stupid. They will believe a lie either because the wi**** to be true or afraid that it is."
As for co-workers: when I was waiting for a response, my co-workers were very attentive. As soon as I was approved, it was "Congratulations!" "That's great." .. The next day, I was back to non-existence. I just fool myself in my own mind that they are supportive. In reality if it doesn't affect them directly, most people really don't care. Even my own Grandmother has not called me and she knows my husband and I are approved.

I had a similar thing happen to me at work. One day I was talking to a coworker and said something about the surgery (I was still trying to get approved) she completely avoided my remark and changed the subject. I got the hint, she didn't have to "tell" me twice.
I think we all go through this to some degree, we get so consumed (at least I have been) that I talk about it A LOT and I know that others must get tired of it. I'm sure my family is glad that the surgery is getting close now.

I have been catching myself for talking too much about it lately, but the people *****ally care about me understand, even if it gets boring at times for them
As far as those who have negative remarks, I've definitely had my share of them. The best one was from someone who said "Do you realize the majority of people who have this surgery gain all their weight back later?" (this girl is not the sharpest tool in the shed) I just told her that wasn't true. But it did bug me at first. One thing that has really shocked me is how many medical professionals have no clue about the ins and outs of this surgery. That has been really an eye opener for me. I think at this point, I am more educated than many doctors and nurses about wls. I'm sure most of us here on this site are.

I know exactly what you are talking about. Why can't people see that we are doing this to ensure our future is happy and healthy. My mom started off on me as soon as she heard I was thinking about it. She kept saying that I could lose the weight if I just dieted. DUH!!!! It doesn't work for me like that. The people I expected to be supportive are the ones throwing all these negative things at me and the ones that I expected them from are being semi-supportive. My husband is my biggest supporter. He has been from the start. I have never heard one negative thing from him at all. In fact, he is looking forward to the lifestyle change he will have as well. He could stand to lose about 50 pounds and he is more than ready for the change.
Please don't them discourage you in any way. Unless they walk in our shoes, they have no idea how it feels.