Pre Op Went Great
Well that isn't to bad. You walked out with most of your blood. hehehehe
I wonder why they asked so many questions, maybe they think it is the last time any major questions will be asked of you and they wanted to make sure they asked every possible thing they could.
I have my pre-admissions testing tomorrow so I really am not sure what to look forward to but I am just hoping I am not so nervous my blood pressure sky rockets. I only had high bp's when I was pregnant but sometimes when I get real anxious it goes up. Hoping everything is fine on my end.
Wishing you the best......

Wow! You got away unscathed! LOL....When they took blood from me they took like 8 vials of blood. The tech wasn't in a very humorous mood but I tried to joke with her by asking her if she left any blood in my body. She didn't think it was too funny. *sigh* Oh well, some people are not meant to be happy or maybe she had a very bad day.