Had my pre-opt test but ??

m H.
on 8/26/04 8:32 am - van wert, oh
When I was getting my ultra sound and the guy kept looking right below my bra band in the middle .I ask what he was looking at and he said a bile duct.So now I am so worried that they will cancel my sugary ,if there is somthing wrong in this area.I have had wha they call bile dumping I still have my gall blater.But am afraid that there is something wrong with the bile duct do they thake these out when you have wls?
Betty Y.
on 8/26/04 8:44 am - Mexico, ME
When I had my fist consult with the group someone asked why we needed the ultrasound. The Nurse told us that they would remove your gallbladder if they found a problem. So I guess they do.
on 8/26/04 11:26 am - Mason CIty, IA
I had my Gall Bladder out in June and the ultra sound shows all the problems with it . If you have a problem with your Gall Bladder they will remove it when you have surgery. I had to have mine out early because I spent more time at the hospital then at home because of it. Sue
on 8/26/04 11:50 am - Riverside, RI
I don't think you have anything major to worry about. If you need someone to answer your questions and ease your minds you might want to give your doctor's office a call. They should be able to set your mind at ease. In any case I wish you all the best. Shannon
on 8/26/04 12:13 pm - Houston, TX
My surgeon takes your gall bladder out at the time of surgery regardless of prior problems. The reason for this, he explained is that one of the possible complications is gall stones after surgery and since we don't absolutely need our gall bladder he takes it out to avoid going back in. He said that before he was doing this he noticed that many patients had gall stones after surgery, so now it's his practice to just take it out.
on 8/26/04 11:00 pm - W. Bridgewater, MA
When I had my gallbladder u/s they kept concentrating on my lower left side. And you know that look they get and I started to get nervous. I said to the doc, you keep going back to this spot, is something wrong. She told me that they found 2 cysts on my kidneys and it is nothing to be conerned about right now. I was like OK. She said that I would be OK to go ahead and have surgery. I sighed a big sigh of relief. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Be your own advocate because no one else is going to be. Ask ask ask. Erin
on 8/27/04 6:21 am - sullivans island, SC
"Don't be afraid to ask questions. Be your own advocate because no one else is going to be. Ask ask ask." GREAT ADVICE from Erin. LOL Don't we all know "that look"?? I wonder if they do it on purpose, figuring they will then take their cue from us as to whether or not we want more information???? Wesie
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