Is it me or ........
does it seem like yesterday that September was like 6-8 weeks away and now we are down to 6-7 days away! OMG! I am so happy and excited for us all. WE ALL are going to be Losers very very soon. August has been a very busy month so time is going by very very quickly.
I can't believe that this is going to happen for us. OMG! (I am jumping up and down and shaking my bootie all around....I'm crazy like that...LOL) I just can't believe that the weeks have now turned into days....I think I am still in denial about this happening. I don't think it will be real until I get to the hospital.
Anyways, I am soooo totally bouncing off the walls here being so excited about the surgery. I still seems so unreal.....
Pinch me to make sure I am still awake....LOL
It is not you, it is me too... I feel the same way.
I think about when I first got the phone call giving me my date, then everything I have done in between and I cannot believe it when I tell someone my surgery is next week! Next week!
And instead of worrying about the surgery, I am thinking of stupid things like, how will I get my underwear on now when it will hurt my stitches to bend, or not being able to hold my cat for awhile. Go figure !
Wait till next week, we both will really be bouncing off the walls, and the floors, and the ceiling.

Hi- I have never had my own surgery date- after over a year wait. A few weeks ago I got someone else's cancellation of 9/7. I am scared, nervous but also feeling a sense of resolution and an inner calmess. Weird. I just want it to be done so I can start my new version of my old life. Weird feelings.... Lynn M
No Erin!!! It's not just you. I took my mother in law to the hospital for a hernia repair this morning and that's when reality hit me that I'm less than 2 weeks away from my surgery
I'm excited, scared, nervous, and anxious all at the same time. I don't know about any of you but I have been really emotional lately. One minute I'm as happy as can be
and the next I'm crying like a baby
Good luck to everyone, I will keep you all in my prayers

Jenelle, I too feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster. I've been up and down...confused, scared, nervous, unsure, happy, sad, name it, since last Friday (when I found out I was approved) I have had every emotion imaginable.
I'm mostly worried about my daughter (2 1/2), if something happens to me, I don't want her to grow up without a mom. I better stop before I get myself all worked up again.
Good luck, let me know if you figure out how to calm yourself down.

I think that time has flew by also . But I am still worried about the pre pot test coming back bad or something. I dont want anything in my way now that I am this far.I guess I am just excited something mite stop me from getting this dream.I havent even bought anything, I mean food ,proteen drinks.Iam missing out on the fun worring.
It really is amazing how quick thi****s. Especially for me. I got my phone call on Wednesday and my surgery date for next Friday--only 10 days to prepare.
Oh, heck.... I've been preparing for months.
But really... 10 days notice. Wow. I think I'm glad about that. Less time to be nervous.
Good luck to you Erin. Be sure to keep us updated as soon as you feel up to it.