Preop Appt. Tomorrow
my pre-admissions is on Friday. I really have no idea what to expect. I guess I am having the usual work up. I just hope they leave some blood when they are finished. I do know that each state, city and town's Doctor is different and it seems like no matter what I read everyone's surgeron prepares a different way. I guess none of that matters as long as we all have the same great outcome.
I wish you the best of luck and I hope your pre-op's fast and painless....

I had my pre-op evaluation on the 16th and all they did was take some blood and get a chest X-Ray. I met with my surgeon after that to go over some results and such (that appt was a disaster) but the pre-op testing was nothing.
Good Luck! Sorry about posting so late. I hope you read it before your appt. LOL....My head is in the clouds. LOL.