getting ready
hello everyone, have my date for Sept,27, and im trying to keep in the right frame of mind. preparing myself for the big day. stocking up on my sugar free carnation, protein powder and trying to accept that i cant eat the way im use to, also trying to do away with the diet coke. and far as work goes getting my leave of absence around this week to be filled out. i dont want any last minute oh wait this wasnt done right paper work.......i got alot of friends who think im nuts for doing this and say i dont need it i just tell them there not in my shoes....anyways any help and or suggestions are welcomed. thanks
First let me say Congratulations on your date.
You seem to be going on the right track. I had to give up my Pepsi and chocolate cold turkey. OMG! It was soooo hard. My surgeon didn't want me to put on weight and I ended up putting on 14lbs. *gulp* So he was a bit pissed with me. And rightly so. Giving up Pepsi and chocolate, which is my ultimate weakness, is hard the 1st week but I got over it and now I find things I loved before is way tooo sickening sweet. That's a plus.
But you are doing everything perfectly fine to me. You are being very positive about this and unfortunately we will encounter people who don't agree with OUR decisions about OUR bodies. I highly suggest finding a support group in your area. I have a meeting tonight and I am so looking forward to it. You are in with people who are pre-op, just thinking about, who are 3 weeks out, 3 months out and 3 years out....You get a variety of people to talk to and it is soooo theraputic. I am going to my second meeting. It is so informative and supportive as well.
Then you have us here too. But I think I babbled on long enough. Welcome and stay positive.

Sounds like you got things under control. Time does go by fast so getting things done now it a great idea. I know what you mean about not wanting any last minute things getting in the way. I have been such a fanatic that I bought some lysol and spray everything before I touch it. I am so scared someone is going to get me sick. LOL I know it sounds nuts but with my luck I am not taking any chances.
As for the people telling you that you don't need surgery. Well sometimes I think they say those things out of concern for my health but sometimes I think it is out of jealousy. Either way I have learned not to listen to them. No one knows us like we know ourselves so we know what's right for us and what isn't.
I wish you the best of luck with everything.
Lap-Rny Surgery 09/03/04

hi Shannon, thanks for the reply, hope you are doing well after your surgery,got any suggestions for post op? this will be real interesting after the surgery gonna be a reality change for lots of people here esp me lol....
and i dont blame ya for not wanting to get sick man be nothing worse than that after having such major surgery,,,im trying to figure out how long im gonna be off work, the absence of work papers want to know approx. how long and its really hard to tell them esp when my own family dr doesnt know for sure either for his paper work so im telling them 60 days i quess if im doing well i can go back sooner since i have a desk job thats what my co workers are saying at least. well heck with them to i tell them all lol anyways have a good day hope to hear from you again..sue