Need your prayers!
Hey everybody.
Im writing to ask for your prayers. I have been having a LOT of problems with my lower back and my left leg the last week. I think I slept on it wrong about 3 weeks ago, and I have been going to the chriopractor at least 3 times a week, but it just seems to get progressively worse. I had to call in sick to work today, b/c I couldn't stand how much it hurt to stand up.
Im really concerned, because I dont want anything to complicate my surgery or my recovery. I hate to complain about anything, and I'm trying to stay positive. I KNOW that God has the power to take care of any problem so I'm asking for all the prayers I can get.
Im sorry I haven't been on the board very much lately, but it hurts my back espeically bad to sit at the computer, and it hurts even worse to stand up from that position. I feel bad about not doing my part in encouraging everybody on their journey.
I love ya all!
God Bless!
About 3 weeks ago I woke up and I was in A LOT of back pain. After a week of dealing with it I finally went to the doctor and of course he told me it was because of my weight. He gave me a muscle relaxer that didn't work, never does. Then he said it should only last 10 days. Well, he was wrong. It lasted 3 weeks and I just now started to feel better. I found that even though I was having these awful back spasms it helped me the most when I walked. I would hold on to something so I could stand and once I was up I took slow steps. I walked as long as I could handle it. The real cure was time. This was the worst back pain I have ever had and I think personally that it was more then just the typical back issues.
I hope you feel better fast and I will be sending wellness prayers your way......

I fell on my knees back in February and they keep telling me that the pain will go away. HELLLLLOOOOO, that was 6 months ago. I take 800mg of Motrin (which I have to stop taking on the 26th of August) and it helps very minimally. I am sorry that you are in pain but hopefully once you have the surgery the pain will go away. Hang in there and try to be as positive as you can. I know its hard to do but you can do it.
I'll say a prayer that God takes your pain away.
Hi Kiristi,
I deal with back pain too along with painful joints in the hip area. Although mine doesn't sound as severe as yours, I am able to walk, work and do my normal day to day routines. It's just at night that I lose so much sleep because of this, and I am constantly tossing and turning. So I've prayed about my condition and as you said God has the power to handle anything and I trust he will with this situation. Among so many other great things....he is definitely a healer. I am a witness. So you are on the right track and in good hands. You are also in my prayers. Keep the faith and good luck with your surgery.