Surgery Sept. 7th..........
This is my first time posting on the Sept. surgery board. I am scheduled for the 7th. I was doing pretty well until I told my mother-in-law on Friday that I was having surgery. Her first comment was "oh Rita you're not". After explaining that this surgery has come along way since the 70's, she seemed to be better with it, but it still left me wondering if I am doing the right thing. I was planning on telling my family yesterday but decided to wait. I don't want anyone else to bring me down. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother-in-law just like my own mother and I think it was more of concern for me than being negative. I guess I just need a few words of encouragement today. Thank you for listening.
Have a good day,
First let me say Congrats on your surgery date!
Rita, my grandma was the same way. She wants me to lose weight but thinks surgery is out of the question. Once I explained why I was doing it and how much better and healthier it will make me she seemed to understand. Just explain it to your family and emphasize why you are doing it and the results you will be reaping from it. I am sure things will go much smoother then. Remember why you decided to do this and how much your life will change for the better afterwards. Welcome to the board and to your soon to be losing side. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

My family was concerned at first. My mom had it done in the early 70's and just 8yrs ago they had to redue it. She had alot of problems. After explaining that it is so different they are all with me 100% I have a great family every one here are great also. I am so ready for this, I just can hardly wait to start my new life.We will both be starting on the same day!! God bless you.

Hi Gerrie,
Yes I am really nervous. I have alot to do in the next two weeks so I'm sure it will go by fast. I say my prayers evernight and in them I ask if I am making the right decision. I know if I don't have this surgery I will end up with diabetes and heart disease like my mother. That is what keeps me moving forward. I will be thinking about you on our surgery date. Good luck and God bless.
Hi Suzanne,
I finally broke the news to my mother tonight and to my surprise she was okay with it. I was shocked. She asked me if I new all the risks and when I told her I did she wished me good luck with it. I am feeling really up right now. I hope it goes as well for you as it did me.
Good luck,