praise god i have a date at last
CONGRATS !!!!!!!
I know what you mean about all the running around !!!! I took me 6 months and I thought that was a long time I would have gone crazy with a year !!!!! Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers. I'm sorry I can't be you angel either I live in NJ but good luck I know there is one out there for you !!!!
Take care
Hi Brenda.
Where are you having surgery? I just got a surgery date Sept 7th at the Cleveland Clinic in Weston, FL. Is that close to you? I'm also looking for an angel. Are we supposed to have angels that are close to our location? How does that work because I am just now looking into it myself. Take care and good luck!

Angels don't have to live in the same state. An angel is gives the person who gives their angelette support as well as post here to let all of us know how their angelette did after surgery. Unless you don't want to call someone long distance, its up to you. But that is my understanding of the job of an angel.