Things I Should Remember??
I am bringing a timer to the hospital so I know when to keep getting my fluids in me and it will come in handy at home. Also bringing a calling card since all my family will be 3 hrs away. I got all my proteins, sf ice pops, sf jello, crystal light, yogur****er and v8 and broth for when I get home. I have all my liquids and pureed for the month of Sept. ready. Even found tiny little 2 oz cups to make my jello in..

I am bringing my CDMan because I know I won't get much rest if its noisy and I have never been in a hospital that was quiet. But then we won't be getting much rest because they will be getting you up walking like every 2 hours....(or so I'm told) I will use their johnnies as bathrobe and nightgown (why ruin my things especially if you get your period), I'd bring pads with you unless your hospital provides them because I heard that you may get your period. I'm bringing a book because I love to read. But I don't want to bring too much because the stay will not be that long. If I forgot anything my hubby can bring it to me. I'll be wearing the same clothes I went in with home except I will have a change of undies with me....LOL.
You really don't need much. If I think of anything else I'll add it....LOL...Good Luck with your list.