Hit another freakin snag.....very long vent
Monday was my pre-op evaluation. I had chest x-ray and my bloodwork done. The male nurse was even very happy for me because he could see how excited I was to have surgery. I went right to my surgeons office afterwards which turned out to be a disaster.
I got weighed and somehow (I have been dieting major) put on 14 freakin pounds. So I have to lose some before I can have surgery. I understand that.
As my surgeon goes over my file he sees that he doesn't have a full report of my upper endoscopy. But he sees that he has some part of it. There is a problem with the polyp or with my intestines but he did state that it was NOT cancer. Well thank God for small miracles. I just called the G.I. doc again and left another message unanswered.
Then he finds that my psych clearance letter isn't acceptable. WHY TELL ME NOW 16 DAYS BEFORE MY FREAKING SURGERY!!!!! Now I talked with the PA and trainee PA. They were in the room as I am talking with my surgeon. I am nervous and uptight as it was and he just wasn't understanding what I was saying and then turned around and said that he doesn't think I am mentally ready for this. I am fuming by now. I finally said "Listen, I saw J.C. (therapist) November of 2001 due to losing my stillborn son...." He interrupted and said to me "Well, that is a traumatic experience." I said "I know its a traumatic experience. I lived it and survived." I continued on "so after a few months of therapy we agreed for me to get put on zoloft." "After being on it for a while I felt a definate improvement and I decided to not take it anymore." He asked me "Why?" (Thinking to myself..I just told you why) So I said "Because I was feeling better and I didn't want to take it anymore." So then he said that he wants to talk to my therapist. He asked if I would give her permisson to talk to him. I said Yeah, I will call her and have her call you.
He threatened to cancel my surgery. I told him I worked hard and I have been going to the support group meetings and how much I enjoyed them. He said that I cannot put on any more weight and that if I do he will cancel surgery. (I suppose that is a good sign) But surgery might get postponed because of the results from my upper endoscopy. I have no idea. I just called and left another message with the gi doc. Going on 5 weeks now. My surgeon is waiting for the full report too. So if I need treatment because of my problem (not sure what the problem is) then it may delay surgery...*sigh*
I am very angry and frustrated with all of this although I know that this is the best thing for me. I have never been more prepared in my entire life. He does this to me 16 days before surgery. How cruel is that? I want to cry but it may mean I am not ready for surgery and that I am mental case. I won't be around for a little while because I need to get all this sorted out and its hard. I may pop in here and there but I won't be around as often. I don't ask for much but can I please ask for some extra prayers that surgery will go on as scheduled and prayers to help me lose some weight too. I could use the power of prayer right now. I just want to climb in a hole and cry all day.
Thanks for listening to me rant and rave. Does that qualify me as a mental case?
I know what is going on and I am here for you. Keep your head up, you are strong!!!! You are not crazy, they are
. I will talk to you later. I have an idea
drive there yourself and pick the records up. It sounds as if your surgeons office has incomplete records. Thus, write down how many messages you have left and demand them. You have to be your best advocate!!!! Do not leave until they give them to you. They are your records!!!! J.

Crud, Erin......what a slap in the face. I am so sorry this has happened to you............I fear I would just crumble if it happens to me........and it just might.............I too have gained weight since MAY, for Pete's sake...if I could control what I eat, I wouldn't be NEEDING this blasted surgery.........that just seems so utterly WRONG........
Anyway, prayers continue.
YOu're BMI was only 40+ how does 15 pounds put you in such a high risk category. That makes no sense. It sounds like this doc is pulling your chain and pushing your buttons. Go to the GI office and demand your records. Go to your psych doc and request a quick eval or a letter stating they feel you are ready and not a mental case and that Zoloft is no longer needed. If he questions you again about the Zoloft, tell him it was given to help you grieve appropriately and when you were over your initial grieving period, you stopped taking it. (Docs hate it when we make our own medical decisions.) In the future, always always check with a doc before abruptly stopping any meds. It can cause some serious side effects and complications. Keep your chin up, don't lose your cool(unitl you are out of the office) and try to deal with the PA's as much as possible.
I am so mad at those doctors for you that I can fly to MA and sit on them for you and make them change their minds! I will do it, beleive me. Maybe a little squishing from a really big woman will put things back into perspective for you. I will continue to pray for you as I do for all my Sept roomies and hope that you will have some great news soon. Vent all you need to on here hon, that is what we are here for. Sending strong thoughts and prayers your way!
Doreen (ready to squish some doctors)

Hi Erin, I'm going through the same thing right now. My surgery is Sept 13th but now I have to have everything but the psyche eval done over. I had a colonoscopy and EGD and they found pre cancerous polyps and removed them so i'm glad I had that done. But now I have to do the stress test and EGD again with other junk, so i'm not sure mine will go as planned either. Don't get nuts about it cause it won't change the outcome, just try to relax and go with it. I'm trying very hard too....Bev