9/15 date - Happy & Anxious!
After almost a year of going through the hoops for surgery (insurance exclusion!) I am now going self-pay and am at times anxious about all the what ifs. I have a 12 yr old and a 15 month old (Both girls) and I desperately want to do this for THEM as much as for ME! I want to be around to see their babies crawl up in my lap and call me "Gran". Every night when I put my little one to sleep I now think what if I'm not here to do this for her this time next month? HOW DO YOU GET PAST THE JITTERS??????? They're driving me crazy!
That said - I'm so excited! Besides the anxiety of what if and the possibility of costly complications, I can almost taste (no pun
what being on the other side will be like. I've lost before and am so EXCITED to feel myself wasting away again LOL
I love this website and am so thankful that God has given so many people SUCCESS STORIES! That's it - why focus on the 2% negative when there's 98% POSITIVE results out there???
PLEASE PRAY FOR ME !!! I want to see Jesus but not yet!

Hey Angels!! I'm having my surgery on Sept. 15th '04 also. I'm so excited and so ready to start a new life. Just to let you all know that my prayers will be with each and every one of you at all times. Good Luck to all and know that we are all here for one another if we are ever in need.
We are all blessed.