Boy am I Scared
You are not alone. Most of us on this board are feeling what you are feeling, excitement, nervous, and scared. Surgery is a very big step. But just think what a step you are taking Armena! You are on the road to a healthier, happier life. It will be hard. But what in life is easy? Just take it one day at a time and keep your faith. We are here for you whenever you feel like posting. I will say an extra prayer for strength and courage for you tonite and a safe surgery with a speedy recovery.
Best wishes and congrats on your date!

Thanks so much, your words are like good music to my ears. I know that this will be a new beginning for me and am happy. It's so good that I have found this site because the short time I have spent here has given me so much empowerment. I wish you Doreen all the best and I know after this surgery we will be exchanging before and after pics. Keep strong and keep the spirit I love it!
I know what your are talking about. I haven't been scared but I have a million other things going on in my head. I get excited, anxious etc. I sometimes find myself lying in bed at night and realize that an hour or 2 has passed and I am still awake thinking about my surgery. I go over and over all the things I need to do before the surgery. I check the date daily to make sure the 2 weeks pre-op haven't passed me because I need to start my shake diet. I dream that I forget a day or that someone gets me sick before hand. I know it is all jitters and I will be fine.
I hope your able to calm down a bit and just enjoy all the thoughts of that post-op at goal sexy momma's and poppa's were all gonna be. LOL

I'm calming down after visiting this site. I was lost before the hospital gave me this web site, now I feel like am around people who know what am thinking and how am feeling. I see you surgery date is coming and I would like to wish you all the best, I see we will be recoving during the same time so am here (home) if you need me, just e-me!
Thanks for your words they moved me and I feel much better. I know what you mean about getting everyting together, I was running around today buying all types of vitamins and other things, and I still have another list. I just to be ready, you know. Plus I have a teenager that I want to be ready for the big change in mommy life.
Any to us sexy momma's "World get ready, cause here we come"!