Pre-Op tests
I go for my Pre-Op tests on Monday 8/23 ( EKG, Chest X ray, Bloodwork) After this all I have left is Cardo clerance on 8/31 then my PCP for surgical clerance on 9/1. Then I am to do a liquid diet the day before surgery, drink the fleet phospho soda and take my antibotics. I spoke to the ins. co. today and they said everything is in order and they pay 100% I pay NOTHING !!!! Its almost here I'm so excited !!!!
I just had the same tests done and got my cardo clearance today! I go sept 1 at 1:45pm. Blowing in that tube was different and the arterial blood gases was the only thing that hurt a bit. It will go by fast and it is very easy too. I got to sit a few times with my legs up, I was ready for a nap. Good luck on your testing and please share your results when you get them!

Hurray on the 100% pay. on the Fleets stuff
I don't have my pre-op until 30Aug...........and surgery early Sept least that is the current plan..........
Ihave gaineed some weight though.......
Hope that doesn't mess me up.....
Good luck, Laura! Hope we both only have two weeks to go!

Monday was my pre-op day... be prepared to be tired when its all over. I had a GB sonogram, a HIDA scan, EKG, labs, urinalysis, cardiology consult and pre-op interview with the hosp nurse. I have my ABG and Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) to do on Thursday. I thought that would be it but I now have to have a stress test... due to family history.... YUCK!!! I am so nervous that this will delay surgery. I am nervous but staying optimistic.