Egads! I got a date ... 9-16-04
wonderful news. What a way to start the morning. When I got my date I was just so excited I lost the required 10 pounds that any day in September would have been great to me. I just wanted to get everything done before my birthday. I will be pretty much back to normal by then seeing on how my surgery is the 3rd of September and my birthday isn't till October 13th.... I also wanted to be well for my daughter's second birthday which is on October 18th.
in 2002 I got the best birthday gift ever, my daughter. Now, in 2004 I get my second greatest birthday gift, my "re-birth".

WOW everyone Thank you so much for your good wishes and Responses. And Carol I'll be thinking about you as we both hopefully have an uneventful recovery. Shannon you're ending the summer with a great new start for fall you're going to be busy chasing that little one around. Please keep us informed on you... Kim and Terry .. thank you so much for the good wishes. Thanks to all for making me feel a little less nervous.