Sept. 8th!! NERVOUS!
WOW, it's getting close...reallllllly close....I fought for 4 long years to get my surgery and I was given my date finally this past June...but OMG IM NERVOUS!!! and a little scared. I still have about 15 or so pounds to lose my then, and they just don't want to go anywhere! does anyone have any sugestions? I am only 19 but I know what I am getting myself into and made the decision to live a healthy life, well actually for the first time, i'll be able to live, period. I am having my surgery through Pacific Bariatrics in San Diego, CA. with Dr. Leo Murphy.
I'd really like anyones suggestions on how to get rid of these last pounds! and quick! THANKS EVERYONE!!
hey, well first off congrats.
My surgeon puts each of his patients on a 3 shakes a day plus one meal 2 weeks before surgery. The day before you can only do the 3 shakes. He has 2 reasons for putting us on this before surgery diet. 1)TO make sure that it is something we can handle. After all, this is what life will be life for a while after surgery. 2)The second reason he does this is so that we can get a jump start on the weight loss.
I hope this helps.

Congrats Shannon, I know how you feel, I am scheduled for 9/9 and I have been nervous too. Make sure you are taking in enough calories on your diet, it sounds strange but if you take in less than 1000 a day your body thinks it is "starving" and tries to conserve. Eat lots of protien, and drink drink drink... good luck