Oh the insanity!!
just got word today that my surgeon will be out of town the week I was scheduled for my surgery (the 7th) so now I have to wait an extra week (Sept 14th). It just dawned on me, that is my daughter's 5th B-day!!! I'm gonna go crazy waiting for this surgery. I already postponed it 5 months for the sake of my coworkers. I have been scheduled a total of 4 times now and something is always getting in the way. Is God trying to tell me something?? I mean it people, I'm gonna crack up.
I posted a message last week about my boss requiring a letter from my doctor stating the WLS is medically necessary. The doctor was not happy with his request. I think he was insulted to have somene think he would go along with this as a cosmetic procedure. I offered to give the boss a copy of the approval letter from BCBS but he said that wasn't good enough. I am so mad, mad, mad, mad, mad!!!!!!!

It could be a sign but it is probably just a case of things coming up. I hope your able to come up with a plan. Maybe they can schedule the surgery for the day after her birthday. Or at least till after her birthday party. I am sorry your boss is being a schmuck. Maybe they jsut don't want to give you the time off.
When I had my first consult with my surgeon I called the friday before I was to see him (on monday) to confirm my appointment. I was told it was all set. I call Monday day before I go just to make sure they have all my paperwork and I am told they cancled it because no one was able to get in touch with me. So after freaking out majorly they finally give me an appoinment for 3 days later. Not to mention that the office made my appointment to meet with the surgery the year before so when it came pretty close to the time to go I realized it was on a holiday. By the time I finally got to see him for the first time I had already been rescheduled 2 times.
I jsut can't wait to get it all over and done with. I am soooooooo tired of waiting.
Good luck with everything thoug........

I know how badly you want to get this surgery and how frustrated you feel each time they change the date. Look at it this way, at least the surgery wasn't canceled, just moved. And now you and your daughter can share the same birthday. Hers for her birth and yours for your rebirth.
Keep thinking positive thoughts! Don't let anything or anyone get you down. Wishing you all the best!