question for all Sept peeps................
Making all kinds of lists... what to take to the hospital, what I will need post op that first couple of weeks (since I can't drive out to get anything). Made out a living will, and writing my mom a special letter. Don't mean to sound morbid, I know everything will be ok but she is really worried for me and I want to make sure she has no extra worries. I know that head spinning feeling... kind of cool...

I can so relate to how you are feeling. I have a list of what I am taking to the hospital and I (like Wanda....I don't want to sound morbid but) have got my affairs in order (just in case). I wrote some letters to loved ones. I ordered some samples of protein from so I have some protein on hand. I think I will go with the unflavored protein to mix in my food. But I ordered 1 chocolate, 1 vanilla, and 2 unflavored. I am orgainizing my kitchen so I have a section of my cabinets dedicated to ME & my "Food". I am stocking up on Fruit 2O's and some soups and sf popsicles. But I am so positive that all is going to go well.
I am so nervous and excited and happy and so ready for this.
Hey Guys
I have been trying to make sure all of my bills are paid ahaead and I've switched rooms with my mother, she's now upstairs and I'm downstairs. Been cleaning the house, and most importantly trying to stay focused because I have 2 weeks of school left. I've also been trying not to buy any clothes and have been digging all of my old/smaller clothes from the back of the closet
I've been dreaming about what I'm going to look like at this time next year. I can't wait!!! Good luck to everybody

I hear ya i have been asking alot of questions and my frinds are starting to run from me (lol) they say you think you are going crazy wating try being on the receving end of it that;s all i talk about i know they are just teasing they are relly excited for me and have been there for me scence day one my date is (drum roll please)sep fells like it is taking forever i am so ready

Hi my date is set for sept 28 my mother had hers on tuesday aug 10th she is already home. she reccomends a liver reducing diet 1 week before surgery basecly a high protean diet low fat lots of sugar free liquids that is what i am going to do it made her recovery and hospital stay alot faster and hers was not laperscopic... good luck to everyone ontheir dates!!! i know i am exited and scared all at once..