Book: "Before and After: Living and Eating Well After Weight Loss surgery,"
Hello Everyone, Wooooooooo Hoooooo September is well on it's way. Did anyone read the above book by Susan Maria Leach? I just ordered it. So far I've read both of the Carnie Wilson books and re-read them (certain parts). I know this subject has been brought up before probably in the main room. I was just wondering if anyone has read that and if they've also read any other helpful books?

Haven't read any thing much but did go to amazon and order Carnie's last book and Weight Loss Surgery: Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside You. I knew initially I would have to limit my resources or I would be overwhelmed with information overload. Now I have made my decision, done lots of research, picked my surgeon and on my path... just need to do a few simple (yeah right) tests, and lay down and let him do his job... i am now more interested in finding out stuff about post op needs.
I read the book and it is excellent reading. Definate recommended reading and it gives you some WLS recipes in it. You won't be disappointed in the book. I also read this other book and it isn't worth mentioning because it is more for the person who is investigating WLS. Not a book if you've already decided to have surgery. I can't think of the name of it now but I will get it for you if you are interested. Just let me know. Happy Reading. You won't be disappointed.