I have A date
Hi Andra,
Congrats on your date! Mine is 09/3. Sure your scared. This is a major surgery we're going to have. But look at the good that will come out of it. They wouldn't do this surgery if they thought you weren't healthy enough to go through it. And also, wait till you start seeing those lbs. slip away. OK, we will have to change some things about our lives after, but I look at it this way. I would rather change the way I eat and what I eat and take vitamins for the rest of my life so that I will HAVE a life. Please don't worry. You don't need that added stress. I will keep you in my prayers. Cindy

When I get really worked up and stressed I try to think of these things. Think of how much healthier you are going to get. I don't know if you have children or not but I do, and I think of playing with them without having to sit down after 5 mins cuz I am all out of breath. To get off the floor without the assistance of 2 people. My 17 month old is so active and trying to chase her tires me and I need to rest. I will have a better quality of life with my children. I can stand outside and push them on the swings, I will be able to walk without being winded and exhausted, I can do stairs without my knees and legs being in extreme pain once I make it to the top. To be able to breathe again without medicines. To not have to wear maxi pads cuz of my bladder leaking all day. To not having a chronic backache. To be able to get off of all my medications....(YEA) To be able to fit into normal clothes again. To get my self-confidence back. To stop being my own worst critic. The list goes on and on...To be able to live life at my fullest capacity makes this sooo worth it and when I am done daydreaming about all the good things I find I am more at peace with my decision and what to expect. I hope this system works for you. Give it a try. WLS is a Tool. How we use this will make our new life so worth the minor inconveniences. We can laugh and say "Why did I ever worry?" It will be OK, for that I am most sincerely positive. But nervousness is normal. Dream about all the good things that will result by having this surgery.