I need your opinions......
I really need to know for those who have been to their nutritionist appointment what they told you to take for vitamins and for calcium.....
I was told to take Flintstones Chewables and then take Tums for the Calcium....What were you told to take? (I know, I am so obsessing about this but I feel that this is important to our recovery) She also told me that if the doctor said it was OK I could take Viactiv if I didn't want to do the Flintstones.
Please please please let me know......Just to shut me up.....LOL.....Thanks gang!
I was told to take any chewable multivitamin and Viactiv (2 a day) for calcium. Also B12 either by injection or under the tongue and Iron if you're menstruating age.
DJ Vixen on www.freakradio.net

Hi Erin,
I'm obsessing on this, too, but the importance was stressed by the nutritionist. She said flintstones for the first month, then for the rest of our lives:
-> 1 prenatal vitamin and mineral per day with 1mg folate and 30-65 mg iron
-> 1500 mg calcium citrate (must be citrate, not carbonate) over the day (no more than 500mg at one time, because it won't absorb.) I have heard that the calcium in Tums is not well absorbed, but I don't know if this is true or not.
-> 350 mcg B12, sublingual or monthly shot
Pills must be crushed or broken into pieces.
Bariatric Advantage (www.bariatricadvantage.com) supplements designed specifically for the needs of bariatric patients.
Multiformula Chewable - 2/day
Iron Chewable - 2/day
Calcium chewable - 6/day (2 at a time)
Sublingual B12 - M/W/F (1000mcg ea - 1 bottle will last 2.5 mos)
I have opted for the Bariatric Advantage products, at least for now, because I can't stand the thought of nasty tasting crushed vitamins. I already ordered my first month's supply. It ends up being $50-60/mo, but I figure I'll be saving that much on groceries anyway.
Good luck!!
Holy Cow you guys! I have yet to see the nutritionist yet, this is enlightening. I wonder, if I can't keep a prenatal vitamin down before surgery how am I expected to take them post op when the stomache is even smaller?!
yikes. Well, Flintstone vitamins can't be too bad, I hope. My kids sure seem to like them.

Another OH member put together a great website for info like this.
She is post op and has been doing great. I just can't remember her name at this moment. Sorry