I have a date too!
Hi Doreen! Welcome!! My surgery is just one day after you. Just 35 more days for you and 36 for me and I cannot wait. Although I am so nervous but excited all at the same time.
Kinda panicking cuz it is almost here. I want to be prepared but dragging my heels cuz the reality of it, I don't think it has TRULY hit me yet...LOL.
So many new dates coming in and I am trying to keep track of everyone...LOL....C*O*N*G*R*A*T*U*L*A*T*I*O*N*S!!
Congrats to you as well!!!
I feel the same way. It is like I have waited so long for those 4 words, I HAVE A DATE, yet I still feel as if I am numb as well. I thought I would be bouncing around but so far I am just dazed. LOL Good luck on your surgery and I hope for a safe and speedy one for you. Keep counting down the days for us.