I have a date!!
I just got off the phone with the doctor's office a few minutes ago. I am a go for Sept. 29th. I can't believe it. I am excited and scared and anxious and happy all at the same time. My husband had surgery in Jan and is doing wonderfully, so it cuts down on the scared bit a tad, but I've never been overnight in the hospital for anything before this.
Still looking forward to the 29th though...

YEA!! Congratulations on your date!! Your husband will be a great support system for you and can help you with things. Sometimes my hubby is supportive and other days he is just waiting for me to screw up.
He even said he doesn't think I will do well on this. I told him this time you're wrong. And just let it drop.
I am so excited for you and with you!! Welcome to the group!!