What type of surgery are you having? Any special testing pre-op?
I am having an Open RNY (not sure if distal, proximal or what) on September 2, 2004 at Brigham & Women's Hospital Boston, MA.
My surgery will be at 7:30 AM but required to be at the hospital for 5:30 AM.
I had to have a clearance letter from my psychologist, pulmonologist (I have severe asthma), and test results of my colonoscopy I had done a couple of months ago sent to the surgeons office.
They ordered a sleep apnea test, upper endoscopy (I just had that done this past Friday...they removed a polyp from my stomach), cardiology clearance (had to have a heart stress test).
My last appointment is on August 16th for a pre-op evaluation (you talk to the anesthesiologist, nurses, blood work..all that fun stuff) and then I will be meeting with the surgeon after that for my last pre-op meeting. I won't see the surgeon again until 9/2/04.
I thought I would share a bit of what I have experienced so far pre-op. I know that some didn't need that much done and others probably had to have more but please feel free to share your experience. Does anyone have any appointments coming up? What are your concerns? What positive insights can you share with us? Inquiring minds want to know....LOL.
If I am being nosy, I apologize. I am not trying to get anyone who may be uncomfortable sharing to say anything they don't want to. If you don't want to that is OK. No pressure here.
I could understand my need to talk if I drank a gallon of coffee but I don't drink coffee and I have cut way back on my soda, (I know, I should stop but....LOL) but geez, I am a chatterbox today.
Have a great day and I will SHUT UP now......LOL.
Lets see... I attended a free seminar first in May, then scheduled a consult w/surgeon, then they verify/send pre auth. to my insurance company, once they recvd the approval letter, they told me what the next steps are....Nutrition class, psych eval, support meeting and a visit to the pulmonologist.
I did all of those appointments within a weeks time, I was hoping for a date in the beginning of June because I have a lot to do in August that I didnt want to miss.
First was the nutrition class, it was about an hour, went over the basic needs post-op and sent us home with a packet of info...sample menu, conversion chart, products to use etc.
The same day went to see the Pulmonologist, that was a simple breathing test, and general exam kinda.
Then the next week I went to see the Psychiatrist, that was time consuming, I had to take a 5 hundred-something question test, that asked the silliest questions..."are you posessed?" Hmmm, well, not today, but if you cought me last week.... sheesh.
Then after all of that, I attended a mandatory support meeting, which was nice, I got a little info out of it, but it was mostly everyone sharing their stories, which was nice.
I wont get my surgery time until about a week or so before when I go for the pre-admission tests, which are an EKG, Gallbladder Ultrasound, Upper GI, bloodwork. Im not sure about anything else.

It is personal choice and luckily for me my surgeon only does Open RNY's. But the surgical group my surgeon is in has a doc that specializes in Lap RNY if that is what I wanted, there is also a surgeon who does the Lap Band etc etc etc....So if I wanted to have a Lap I could. I just don't want to. They told us about all of our options and which surgeon does what at the required Informational Meeting.
In my own mind, I feel that open is safer. They are not so reliant on the technology (my surgeons theory as well). They can see what they are doing. But I know so many who have had Lap RNY that is soooooo sucessful. I choose to have it Open. (I just don't want people to think that I feel Lap is wrong cuz that is not the case....) I feel Open for me is the best thing for me.
I'm having open too, but not by choice. My insurance will not pay for lap, calls it "experimental". RATS I was really looking for the quicker recovery time and less chance of complications with the incision.....
On the other hand, I do think there are points to be made for the surgeon being able to actually eyeball what is what inside, so I guess it is not all bad.
Still, it was a downer when the surgeon said I was a perfect candidate for lap, and I had to tell him that I had Tricare Prime.............his language said it all, LOL.
I am already on a cpap, so did not need the sleep study. I had the psych consult, nutrition consult, meet with surgeon, and then a group q and a session with other gastric bypass hopefuls all in the first day. Two days before surgery (Sept. 1) I go get the ultrasound of the gallbladder, and whatever other pre-op stuff they need, meet with the anesth., etc.
I am scheduled for the first surgery of the morning on the first, so I will have to be at the hospital bright and early. This really pleases me, as I think waiting around HUNGRY all day would be tough!
Come on September.............. I seem to be eating everything in sight these days........... It is ******g me off. How dumb can you get?
I have Tri Care Prime as well and I am having LAP RNY. My surgery is at David Grant Medical Center at Travis AFB. Dr. Scherrer has a 100% track record! yeah!
I wanted LAP really bad... I've known two people personally this past year, one had LAP and one had open. The lady who had LAP at three weeks said she felt like she had never had surgery. The one who had open was still feeling icky at 8 weeks. I guess it depends on your situation though. My doc says some LAP people take longer than open, but for the most part LAP paitients recover quicker. This was very important to me since I have three kids and I work. I don't have time to be "down".
Color me green, Donna!!!! I really am quite jealous!! I am having to go to a civilian hospital.......no military one here anymore. As best I can determine, the different REGIONS of Tricare have different rules.....how crazy is that? They USED to allow it here, and I cannot find ANYTHING in the policy that says they won't cover lap anymore, but in reality, they just won't.....and I have the phone log and the emails to prove it! (Of course I questioned it and raised a lot of hell, but lost. Nonetheless,I pit up a really good fight.....)
Know what you mean about the lack of time for downtime!! I have exactly 4 weeks post surgery until I have to be in NC running an office/computer for their state fair horse show........ Should be interesting......
It's not dumb Wesie, just normal. Trust me. My hubbys family keeps saying to me, you better eat that now cuz you won't be able to later...GGrrrrrr I just want to slap them when they do that. Will they taunt me with food? or be supportive?? The million dollar question. I am like this human eating machine. I am cutting back on alot of things on some days but others I just throw caution to the wind.