C*O*N*G*R*A*T*U*L*A*T*I*O*N*S Rebekah!! YAHOOEY!!! I am so excited for you. I remember getting my date and appts set up. I swear I was floating on Cloud 9 and I couldn't get off. I think I'm still up there.
Welcome! Please post here whenever you get a chance. My name is Erin and I am having an Open RNY on September 2nd. What type of WLS are you having?
Congrats on your date, you aren't going it alone in September.
I am scheduled for the 23rd at Virginia Mason in Seattle, WA. I could have gone as early as July, but needed to wait until staff vacations were over. Also my husband and I have had a vacation scheduled for 6 months at the end of August. I really don't want to ask my husband to give this up and I was afraid I would'nt feel up to going. Not to mention that it is non-refundable. Besides, it wouldn't hurt for us to have some alone time prior to the surgery
Hi everyone,
My surgery will be on Sept. 22.
Too many months away!!
I am very anxious to get on with my life!!! If I would have decided to have open surgery I probably could have had it done late July early August but they would have had to resummit all of my info to insurance, I didn't want to take a chance of getting denied since they had already ok my Lap. RYN.