Anyone else out there having surgery in Sept.??
I'm Sept 9th in Manhasset, NY
Getting excited!!!
Does anyone have an opinion on the following:
To have a self-pumped drip or an epedural?
I understand the pros and cons to be....
Pros - no over medicating, no needle in the back.
Cons - major pain when waking up, enough pain here and there, that may hinder you wanting to get your butt up and walk. Not enough if you are have more then usual pain.
Pros - constant medication, making walking and waking easier.
Enough medication you shouldn't have much "real" pain.
Cons - Constant needle in your back
, (laying on that needle for 2 or more days.), over medicating.
What are your thoughts?

Hello, I too am scheduled in Sept, the 14th to be exact at Mt Carmel in Columbus, Ohio! That just happens to be my 48th birthday so I'm referring to it as my new BD! I started this process in the summer of 03 so when they gave me that date, I wasn't about to change it! Guess there's no BD cake this year, huh? LOL!
I wish you all well too!
I'm excited but the surgeon I originally planned on has left the practice and there's a new guy in town! Can't seem to find anyone else who has him at all! Makes me a little nervous
but I'm still excited!
God Bless You All!

Hi Kathy and Pam!!
Sorry for taking so long to respond. I wanted to say C*O*N*G*R*A*T*U*L*A*T*I*O*N*S on both of your surgery dates. I am just so excited for us all. WE all are having surgeries around each other so we know what we are feeling and will be able to support each other as well.
I am so happy for you! Just 10 more weeks for me but it feels like an eternity....LOL.