am I first?
My name is Donna. I live in California. My Doctor is Dr. Sherrer at David Grant Medical center (a military hospital at Travis AFB).
I was told I could have the surgery in August. But I think I would rather wait until the kids are back in school so I can really rest after surgery!
I've gone through most of my appointments. I have two more scheduled for May 26. Nutrition and my psychiatric eval.
I had my sleep evaluation. I have to say that was the WORST nights sleep I think I have ever had! I don't know how they can get an acurate reading when I couldn't sleep and the few times I dozed off they woke me up to tell me to lay on my back!?!? oh well. it's done. I guess I will get the results back in a few weeks.
I'm a little new to this site. I hope I get some September 2004 loosers in here with me soon.

Hi Donna!
My name is Erin. I am having the majority of my tests done in June. June 9th, 10th, 12th & 14th and the next appointment after that will be in August for the pre-op tests and my last surgeon visit before my surgery. I am really excited about this. Like you I could have the surgery in August but I changed the date because 1, I want to make sure I qualify for FMLA and 2, my son will start Kindergarten in Sept. and I want to make sure I take care of all of his needs first before he starts school.
Do you have an exact date in September? I was wondering how close we will be to our surgery dates. We could be surgery buddies...LOL.
What is FMLA?
I do not have an exact date yet. I guess I will get that when I see my doctor after all my initial tests are completed. I want to do it the first week or so of September since the kids won't have homework for a few weeks and also my Mother in Law will be here all of August and has agreed to stay for my surgery for a week or so. I hate to keep her here too long waiting for my surgery since she has a home and dog to take care of back in Oklahoma.
I will let you know when I get a date!
Do you have any idea how we get a face shot of us on our posts? This site has a lot of navigation links.. can't seem to figure it all out.

FMLA is Family Medical Leave Act. I cannot wait until September 2. I should be out of the hospital before my son starts Kindergarten on the 13th. But I have my post op appt with the surgeon on the 13th too. So I will have to put him on the bus then high tail my butt into Boston. A good 1 hr drive with minor traffic. I might change it. I have to make sure that I get back from appt to get him off the bus.
I don't know. I will have to play it by ear. Are you near Los Angeles or San Fran or San Diego?? California is HHHHUUUUGGGGGEEEE!
Good Luck with the nutritionist appt. tomorrow. Let me know how it goes and what happened. I am just curious and want to get a general idea as to what to expect. I know everybody is different.
Good Luck! I'll be thinking of you.
When is your surgery date?
I am about 30 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco). I live in Novato. My husband is in the Coast Guard stationed in Alameda (he commutes).
I will let you know what she says. I think it's to discuss what I will be eating after surgery and to be sure I understand it all before having surgery.
Hi Donna!
I am such a DUH! My surgery date is September 2 at 7:30 AM. I have to be at the hospital by 5:30AM. But I get up at 3:45AM every day so I am not tooo concerned. It is getting my hubby UP to get me there on time. That is my pet peeve. I hate being late for anything. I MUST be on time.
At least I will be the first surgery of the day and the surgeon will be fresh.
I can't wait. I'm going through all of the testing that is such a pain but again, it will be so well worth all the hassle.
I've been to SF when I was a kid. I liked it. We almost moved to CA to the valley when I was about 8. I wanted the move but everyone else didn't want to but me and my dad. Anyways, we ended up staying in Massachusetts. *ho hum*
How is the weather there? We are getting another stinking cold front so we are back to heavier jackets and long sleeves again. I want the beautiful sunny warm weather. But that is New England for you....LOL.
You get up at 3:45 everyday????? When do you go to bed? I set the alarm for 6:30 and hit the snooz 3 times before I crawl out of bed at 7:00
It's in the upper 60's maybe lower 70's today. It's really nice. I am from Houston Texas and I have to say that I can really appreciate the weather here!
However, if we weren't living in Coast Guard Housing, we wouldn't be able to afford to live here. So, when my husband retires in 4 years (after serving 30 years) , we will be leaving this beautiful area. Probably going back to Texas, but I don't think I can live in Houston again, it's TOO HOT, HUMID and the air quality is HORRIBLE. Me and my son have asthma (me just recently, but he's always had it). It also will depend on where my husband finds another job!

Yup. I am up at 3:45AM I leave my house by 5:00AM to go catch the 1st train in the AM. 1/2 hr commute to work by train. 5 min walk to work from there and I am at my desk by 6:30 AM the latest. I leave here at 3:20PM I am at the station by 3:25 and I can board the train by the time I get there. Provided I leave on time...LOL
My average time I go to bed is 10-10:30PM every night. But I have been able to be in bed and asleep by 9-9:30 PM these last few nights and it has been Heavenly...LOL.
Still rainy and damp. I froze this morning. Go Figure. I don't know why I am so shocked....LOL....But yup that is when I get up.