This is my first visit to this board, so hi all.
I figured what better place to ask this question then here with the rest of my surgery sisters and brothers.
I know I should know this but I don't. How many carbs as we suppose to shoot for to either get or stay under? I am really confused. (nothing new for me)
If someone could help me out here I would be ever so greatful.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to even come in here and read my post and for any advice you could give me.
Much love and (((BIG HUGS)))
JODI from The Cali board.

Hi Jodi-
I don't have an answer for you because my Dr hasn't ever said anything about how many, etc. I know I eat too many, though. Bad habits die hard. You might want to post on the main board if you haven't already. This board doesn't get much traffic as you can see. Hope you find your answer.
Thank you very much. I notice that this board is not very active. I posted this question on the nutrition board and the dieticain said something about calories in verses carbs and such, that really didn't help either.
I decided to eat the very lowest amount of carbs that I can. It seems to be helping in different ways. With weight and gas problems. Sorry for the TMI
I really appreciate you taking the time to stop in and post. It's nice to know someone is reading.
Have a wonderful day and an awesome rest of the week!
(((BIG HUGS)))

I don't get on this board very often so I really apologize for not replying earlier. You may, in fact, already have an answer to your question. I had asked my dietician about the nutrients. For carbs in particular, I was told to target a minimum of 100 grams in order to stay out of ketosis (ketosis is bad..not good!). Provided I try to keep it with 'good carbs', it can be a strugle most days to get in 100 g. Of that 100, at least 30 grams should be 'fiber' grams in order to keep from getting constipated. For the fiber grams, I usually just eat 1 cup of Fiber One cereal for 28 grams. I munch on it dry like it's popcorn.
Different dieticians will tell different patients different advise so when in doubt, be sure to run it by your own dietician...k? Best of luck!
Thank you so much for explaining this to me. I tell you this surgery is wonderful, but it can be so confussing also. It's very hard for me to eat real food. I do try to get 100 gms of protein in by drinking 4 to 5 protein drinks a day. I use the Unjury with water.
I sure hope this is good enough. I'm never hungry even going on 4 years out. I have started to put weight on and my PCP dr. and Gastro dr have told me I should look into a revision. My gastro dr. wants to talk to me about a different type of proccedure. I'm wondering if it is the Stomaphyx ? Oh well I guess I will have to wait and see.
Thanks again for taking the time to post to me.
Have a wonderful day and week.
Much love and ((( GINORMOUS HUGS )))

Thanks for posting. My RNY was Sept. 2004. I did not have trouble keeping my weight off until recently I've gained 15 pounds and cloths do not fit. I'm really concerned because I can eat and eat and eat. My surgeon suggested getting back to suport groups so here I am. I wish I could tell you about additional surgeries but My knowledge is limited. He did tell me he could go back in and put surtures around my pouch and make it smaller. The cost was around $9000.00. So you better believe I'm trying to get this 15 pounds off. Keep posting we need each other Hugs