September 17..Happy surgiversary surgery buddies!
Three years! Whew, can you believe it's been that long????
Looking back...
At my consult, I was 352 lbs. The day of my surgery, I was 344 lbs. Today? 170 lbs. That's a 92% decrease of my excess weight!!
Has it been easy?
Heck no! In the first year post op, I had 15 endoscopies (due to strictures and 2 ulcers), 2 perforations (from the endoscopes), a revision (due to the perforations), and a triple internal hernia (aka KBS). The 2nd year, my complications had all cleared up and instead, I had to have bunion surgery on each foot..separately (so 14 weeks of being in a walking cast!).
And now????
Now, I'm looking forward. Next Tuesday on the 25th, I will be having abdominoplasty (full tumy tuck) and thigh lift done. In March, I'll be getting a breast lift & implant and arm lift. By my 4 yr surgiversary, I will finally have the body that I could have never obtained without the help of weight loss surgery. Every endo, every stricture, every ulcer, every perf, every surgery was worth it for every pound that I have lost and kept off!
So...September '04' buds...I hope you were able to or will be able to .... spend your surgeriversary saying 'YAY!!! I did it!!'.
I had surgery sept. 20th 2004. I go to see my doctor today for my 3 yr checkup! I'm kind of excited and scared at the same time. I have probally put on about 30 lbs since I saw him last. I have read some of the revision posts so I will ask him today about that. Overall I feel I have done well. I just can eat a whole lot more now than I used to. I originally lost 90 lbs....went from a size 22-24w to a size 4-6 but now I comfortably wear a size 12. I sure wish I could get back to atleast a size 8. My husband and I have really been talking about plastic surgery so I will be checking into that soon. I can't wait.
Good luck with you tummy tuck (how exciting!)