Face lift before goal weight?
Hmmm....I don't know about losing it in the face first....or if after you lose X lbs that you won't lose more in the face.
My PS advised me to wait on any ps until I was within 20 lbs of my final goal weight to achieve the best posible results from the ps. I have 13 more lbs to go till I'll be able to do that. I know that was mainly referring to the body lift, but I'm glad I waited on all of it because it seems like my face sags more & more every day.
just me..
My face doesn't seem to be really "sagging", but my wrinkles sure are "defined"!! (That sounds MUCH better, don't you think?) I also have "bags" under my eyes that I never noticed before!!! When people comment on my wrinkles I just tell them that I EARNED every one of them and I'm keeping them!!! LOL
Hugs, Pam